Aspiring Author — Artist — Airstream & Automotive Enthusiast – Avid Boater
And…Still Unboxing the Rest

Aspiring Author — Artist — Airstream & Automotive Enthusiast – Avid Boater – And…Still Unboxing the Rest
The Road Home
I can’t say I know too many people who began their communications career on the back of a motorcycle and twenty-years later find themselves a veterinary technician in-training, aspiring children’s book author, Airstream and wooden boat restorer, and at one point in between, a Catholic school teacher. But alas, here I am…a cross between a character from a Billy Joel song and a generally old soul, born during a time period not my own. Or so I’ve been told.
It has been some profound personal and professional experiences over the past few years that prompted me to reroute the next course for my life.
Mike the Pug..for President?
While my first pug, Mike, has joined the heavenly ranks of other great leaders from American history, I continue to toy around with my first children’s book Mike the Pug for President. Whether or not he will finally take his campaign on the road reamins to be seen, but he has been the inspiration for 3 other books in-progress.
Some of My Artwork
I’m a classically trained illustrator who loves to paint. The focus of my work is the rich maritime history of NJ, south to the Delmarva Peninsula and Outer Banks where I spent my childhood. I hold a BFA from Moore College of Art & Design in Philadelphia and a Master of Science. Reclaimed wood is at the heart of many of my paintings and in general, my surface of preference, even for my custom Christmas ornaments.
My New Boat
Okay. When I said “new,” well I kinda pulled a Donna Moss there, and overstated. I meant “new” to me. I’ve been searching for a wooden boat just like my grandfather’s for the better part of two decades. While I haven’t been able to find the exact match, I recently found one that I know would have made him proud. AND, it even came with a red wheel at the helm.
Mike the Pug…for President?
While my first pug, Mike, has joined the heavenly ranks of other great leaders from American history, I continue to toy around with my first children’s book Mike the Pug for President. Whether or not he will finally take his campaign on the road reamins to be seen, but he has been the inspiration for 3 other books in-progress.
Some of My Art
I’m a classically trained illustrator who loves to paint. The focus of my work is the rich maritime history of NJ, south to the Delmarva Peninsula and Outer Banks where I spent my childhood. I hold a BFA from Moore College of Art & Design in Philadelphia and a Master of Science. Reclaimed wood is at the heart of most of my paintings and in general, my surface of preference, even for my custom Christmas ornaments.
My New Boat
Okay. When I said “new,” well I kinda pulled a Donna Moss there, and overstated. I meant “new” to me. I’ve been searching for a wooden boat just like my grandfather’s for the better part of two decades. While I haven’t been able to find the exact match, I recently found one that I know would have made him proud. AND, it even came with a red wheel at the helm.